Friday, December 07, 2012

A grateful heart

As I sit in my study yard overlooking Vivo city. I thought to myself, what a lot of things to thank God for. The wife who is perfect for me, the amazing parents who stood by me selflessly, the wondrous apartment He blessed us with, the growing business, and the amazing people who were planted around to help bring my business to another level. Then I thought to myself, I want to do more than just grow my business and family, I want to touch lives with my photography works. I want to kickoff a CSR plan next year, as well as a social enterprise biz model by 2014. Life can only get better, and I thank God for it all. I am glad I took that step of faith to leave the bank in pursuit of photography. I miss the team back there, but I am truly excited for the journey ahead.

Thank God for the wondrous journey. :)