Monday, October 27, 2008

Flashback Bob

Okay, i'm back after such a long hiatus. So many things have taken place over these 2 months, man.. i don't even know how to begin~!

Erm, maybe i'll try a timeline approach:

31 Aug: i signed off my last post
1 Sept: Hand Op

Hand operations are never meant to be taken lightly. As it was my first visit to the operating theater, i had a lot of butterflies to squash, and also some myth that needs certain clarification:

The Gas. Nope, not the doc's fart. The one that they call the laughing gas.

Legends has it that when when you put on the mask, after counting to 10, you will fall into a mysterious state of unconsciousness. Yup. It had a rather spooked sensation when the nurse place it over my mouth and take deep breaths. But i guess my anticipation kinda screwed up the stipulated effect. I took SO many gasps of air in fear that I would be conscious when the doc sinks the blade into my hand. Eventually i broke the unconfortable silence.

"Doc, why am i still awake?"

i could almost hear a certain tinge of sarcasm when he told me soon. Oh, did i mention, i thought i saw a sledge hammer somewhere. i guess that's to be used when i've taken 100 breaths and yet still able to keep repeating the same question over a zillion times.

but i was never conscious enough to reach that centennial figure. phew.

3 long hours past in a flash.

I woke up to the drone of some weird machine next to me.. it was all so surreal. my hand has a new metallic implant and I'm about to embark on the next phase of my life. While i was in this state of bewilderment, the nurse came over and brought me milo n some biscuit, then she broke a rather amusing news in chinese to me. "did you know you kicked the doc while you were unconcious?"

WOW! Coolness la!

I must have had a rather physical dream man.

Of coz soon my beloved appeared as promised to stand by me. Awww.

Sept 21 - 24: Company trip to moscow.

Definitely an eye opener. :)

Oct 4th, 11th: Kun ying Wedding~!

My best friend's wedding~!! I gave of my dad's car and my brotherhood services. The entourage thingy was a test of our brotherhood. hahahahah. Really. Like I have said once, and I'll say it again, brotherhood forever~! We even went all the way to batu pahat for his msia side wedding. Really la.. enjoyed seeing all of us together again, like the good ole days. Hopefully we will all be so close even when we are all old and greying. nothing beats uncles' rock n roll. :)



Oct 13 - 24th: Reservist (The Chronicles of Ah Boy)

going to reservist with a broken hand and an "excuse ict" medical slip from my specialist aint exactly the most happening thing. it was quite a dilemma as i struggled between 2 options. To downgrade permanently and potentially never have to serve again. OR to go thru this ict with my guys and forgo the downgrading opportunity.

It wasn't long before i knew what i wanted. I saw those familiar faces, their smiles and hearty greetings that i thrived on, in my training and active days. Just like the good ole days, donning the green, sweating out together, and sharing mindless jokes in the moonlight sky. The look in their eyes said it all. no, nothing gay here. Just the knowledge that I have a bunch of friends here in this camp, and that I want to go through the remaining few years together.

And no, not as an admin soldier, definitely.

So while my handicapped hand refused me combat or physical work, i still went thru the motion and basically did what they did to the best of my single handed ability, or just be around. idelic or not.

I guess i must have contributed substantially despite my non-combativeness, so much so that i got nominated as the plt's best officer~!! Woohoo!! That really left me in a shock. Seriously. I even blurted out at my pc if he was sure about choosing someone who missed a lot of physically stuffs. His affirmation said it all.

Thank God for the favour. hahahah :) Really.

No prizes though, just regonition. And i'm really glad. But definitely, i am surrounded by very deserving individuals who are excellent officers and contributed in their various areas of expertise.


Then there was the game during happy hour, in which i was sabo-ed to join. Though i was arrowed in, but i enjoyed it thoroughly, coz all of my team mates are my former cohort mates! these faces i saw for almost all my ns days, are here with me in reservist, in the same game. Without a doubt, our camaraderie led us to a flawless victory. It was so interesting as to how we would strip everything, sans the undies n shorts, to form the longest line in the shortest time. When Firdaus laid out his cigerettes one by one, i knew i can only find such folly in the company of close friends.

Eventually we won, and got ourselves a thumbdrive each. :)

We were so foolish, but so happy. :)

let end off with something i wrote on the day when we out-pro-ed.

So there it was
two weeks of training past me by
like the rain,
the rushing wind,
then the rainbow in the sky

Still remember
Every moment in the countryside
the shining stars,
and fireflies,
made us children in the silent night

So it shall be
When we go on our seperate ways
your hearty smiles
and warm embrace
Will be the greatest joy of my army days

Oct 19: Zarah's Birthday!!

Yup, the pride and joy of my life. The one who made me a fool for her. The one whose photo i took to camp and showed off to all my platoon mates, the one i'm gonna marry.

Zarah Chua~! Wait for me!! :)

