Thursday, May 22, 2008

east mountain rises again

Hooray! My Xray result has declared my healthy state. THank you all for ur care, concern and prayers. I have yet survived to fight another day.

Of coz my not-so-near-death experience is not going to put me out of action. Well.. not anytime soon. Coz there's just so many things that I want to do. Even if it risk breaking a few bones here n there. i wont stop trying till i'm down, i wont quit till i'm out, i wont surrender till it's over. Like my SSM once said, he wants to die in a war and not on his deathbed. I guess I want to die knowing i've done all that I can, all that i dared and perhaps more.

*flips the pages*

i've kinda got bitten by the emcee bug. My company's recent gala dinner that i emcee-ed must have been pretty good coz my boss asked me to emcee for her wedding. And lo and behold, i've got another emcee appointment in Oct for Kun's wedding~!

Hahaha. i like their faith.

*flips again*

my flat agent told us that we can expect to see the flat in 3 years time!!!Oh My!!! So exciting. i hope i'll have saved up enough for all the pretty pretty things in our love barrack (nest feels too cheesy for me). i forecast, 3 weekends of house warming parties. i hope no one will swing the wii controller outside the window. 34 storeys can potentially turn even a nose booger into killer litter material. (alrite, a really big one) i hope i have really nice and friendly neighbours. I am so gonna buy fruits for them to make peace on the first day. :)

alritey. time to get back to work. dreaming rocks man.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Angels touched me.

The clock held its pace, people held their peace. A moment of tranquility, almost surreal, frozen, in its time.

I didn't blink, coz i didn't dare.

In an instance, a horrendous screeching noise of grinding steel, tarmac and flesh shattered that time zone and screamed into my ear drums and jolted me to my senses. No, I wasn't the bystander, I just contributed my flesh to the symphony.

Like a heavenly bugle call, angels shed their mortal veil and manifested all around me. There were those locals who came to my aid and helped me to the side of the road and parked my bike safely on the side. Then followed by my colleagues who administered first aid, and according to those who ran off looking for the medical supplies, the locals were like shouting to them instinctively to guide them to the nearest pharmacy. Touching. I must have been the talk of the town for those fleeting moments.

Then angels came in the form of the other tourists who chatted with me, offering encouragement and advice. Then there were the attentive receptionists who helped me with the changing of the dressing of my wound. But there was this person who helped me changed my dressing, left a deep impression in my mind. My boss.

Sometimes we don't really expect our superior to extend that level of assistance because it feels humiliating to them. Then at that moment, I was reminded of how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples as she washed my wound with the saline solution. She didn't have to do it because I could manage it myself, but she insisted.

I used to think she's really proud, maybe arrogant, bitchy to a certain extend, but when she extended that level of help to her subordinate, all that preconceived mindset just vanished.

Then there were the multitudes who just came up to me just to find out how am I doing and offered advices ranging from traditional healing methods, to riding tips and even riding stories garnered during their heydays, n many more.

Somehow this accident I had, gave all these people a chance to show a good side of themselves. It also became an excellent conversation topic with all my colleagues. Perhaps, it's not such a bad thing after all. I mean by virtual of the fact that I still joined the team building games the following day and even led my team through the tug of war challenge to victory, i guess some of them might be( assumption ) encouraged.

Their angelic side didn't end in Koh Samui. When i returned to Singapore, my colleagues were like smsing me on my condition while I was away to see the doc and take my xray. Also when I got back to office, apart from the constant get well wishes, one of the kind aunties from my parent company actually brought some solution from her home for me to wash my wound with it. So sweet!

Yup, I have been really touched. Feels good to be fussed over. It's moving to see people coming forward and doing things out of their comfort zone for me. To know that I meant something to my colleagues leaves a sweet after-taste to the accident. Really appreciate everyone's love, care and concern.

Marcus even called me up and prayed for me over the phone. Solid la bro. Brotherhood! Much appreciated.

But all in all, my girlfriend has always been that ever present support through the whole episode. The only one who sees beyond my smiley countenance, hears my whine and complains. Thank you my dear!

Yes, I do believe, every cloud is silver-lined.


Zarah and I are getting closer to our dream home!! so exciting :) Gonna pay the 5% downpayment next week. :) I'm so gonna get a 42 inch plasma tv for the living room~!!!! Just thinking of it gets me all excited. Oh, did i mention it's gonna be another ~~~ 4 yrs time? :P


Did i mentioned my birthday is like over???

Although I've been typing for the past hour on this blog, i MUST have this entry. Because this touched me so much and simply meant a whole lot to me.

I didnt have much plans or hope for my birthday actually. Coz I had the combined birthday with ben on thurs already, and on the actual day I'll just celebrate it with a simple dinner for 2 at fish n co at the glass house.

Or so i thought.

When I arrived at fish n co, my gf simply led me up to the 2nd level. Nothing too wow about that, but what took me by surprise was the presence of the supper gang! I mean.. it's like ages when supper gang did something like this to surprise a member on their birthday! I was literally speechless, close to tears, and totally blown away. I cant thank everyone enough but I still must say it (even though it's like almost a month after right now), thank you guys! i really love all of you!

And so, here's a tribute to those who etched my 25th birthday celebration onto my heart.

thank you guys!
