Friday, March 21, 2008

People Relation n some others

People relation is a virtue in life that we cannot deny. Intangible as it may be, the effect of it casta strong impression or repercussion, for those who fail to identify the fragility of it. It is more than just a monologue, a one way passing of information, but a series of thoughtful AND heartful action and reaction from parties involved to achieve a common understanding and goal.

Come to think of it, PR is a skillset highly sought after in the corporate world with organizations willing to fork out good money for those imbued with those talents. If not how do they clinch those big deals, work with their partners/contractors, and achieve camaraderie and teamwork amongst their staff?

PR to me is very important. It is really akin to friendship. I guess it stems forth from the day in Pri 3 when i told my classmate at the back of the classroom that every friend counts. It's more than just achieving some corporate agenda, but really, making friends and keeping them.

But of course, the heart is willing but the flesh is really stupid. There are times when i did things that screwed up close friendships big time. I cant turn back time, and I'm too prideful to go on my knees to beg for forgiveness. For such, i learnt to let go, and let God. I'm still learning and I know I still got a long way to go. Yeap, still pressing on.

There are some people whom I have grown up with over the years and i really love these folks. But as we go on in life, our lives' agendas come into effect. When activities that do not go inline with what we would like for the group kicks in, we start to drift apart. So what do we do when that happens? That's when expectation management comes in.

Frankly speaking, I'm not counting much to come from the gang when it comes to my birthday. I dont know why. Although the amount i contribute annually for birthdays is more than what I get, I still continue doing so. I must admit i was bitter and still is to a certain extend about it, but really, this is one of the few things i can do to keep the gang together.

People are really not perfect. We screw up a lot of things in life. But we have abilities like PR and expectation management to help us mitigate through this life's journey.

I still believe that everyone has this desire to keep the gang together. Just like those days, youthful and foolish, foolishly happy.

My coke, milk and apple juice cocktail. Shared with those i loved and still love dearly.

Brotherhood (and sisterhood for some) forever

As some would have known, i am in the midst of my reservist. I wont deny the sianness of booking in and being confined for the week. But definitely there is a great joy in being able to come together with so many from my previous units. All these familiar faces and common background breaks the ice like sledge-hammers to ice-cubes. Am in love with these unit and I really hope that I can stay in it with these guys for all my ict years. I long to join my friends so much that i nearly fell out with my boss to come for this ict, and with the next ict being held during the busiest time of the year for my company, i am really troubled by it.

Oh well, one more week to go, gotta make the best of it. Hopefully it's not my last with these guys.

Fighting on!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Please move more to your left. Right. :)

different standards, different scale. Getting the balance is no longer just about attaining equilibrium, but to be relevant to the situation.

my colleagues often tell me, i'm the typical good christian boy. Maybe it's bcoz of the values that I hold, the desire to want to be the light, and to be a blessing to all around me. I know at times i'm far from perfect, doing things i shouldnt do. but hey, cut me some slack, i'm not God.
Then there is the other end of the scale. Someone recently shared with me that I am not doing enough. To an extend that I was made out to be one who is irresponsible and without a future. Kinda hurt inside. Perhaps that's what many who left had felt during their outgoing days.

i'm sorry i fall so short of your expectations, but let me commit to those who matter to me.
Alritey, chill guys. Here's something for those who made me feel shitty.

no really, that's a protruding wire...

Totally in love with photography!
