Monday, August 27, 2007

wondering.. death. And some others. :P

Have you ever wonder what you would do if you realised you have only a few days left to live? Before you start listing out the politically correct, holistic and socially responsible answers, pause for a moment to digest this question and reflect it in a realistic manner. I know it's pretty hard, unless you are experiencing it yourself.

Now what if it all did happened? But in a dream?

I had the weirdest dream recently. Senario is as per stated above. I dreamt that I only had a few days left to live and I was pretty amazed by the actions that followed.

Firstly i turned to God, I prayed and asked God to extend my life span. It kinda had no effect in the physical realm, but I just wanted to pray and share this tremendous mental load with an omnipotent being.

Then I went to a local game arcade centre to befriend the ah bengs and ah lians there. Bought chocolate for them to share.

After that I found a retired warant officer and offered him friendship and words of encouragement. Those glittering medals across his jacket, evident that he has made conscious effort to polish this objects of past fame and glory immortalized.

But despite all that I've done, my days remained numbered. Was terribly burdened, then i heard a familiar noise in the background.

My alarm clock.

What relief~~~ :)


Yesterday was great. Cause I finally did something that I have wanted to do all my life. To run in the AHM, voluntarily. Perhaps I should list out some of the more memorable events.

I used the public mobile toilet. You see, my human waste, sometimes like to "chu" pattern. No, not those batik kind, it's churning at the worst moments possible, like, just before a major run like that. And so i humbly cramp myself into a tiny, dark and generously watered with pee cubicle. To crap of course. As for the details of the bowel motion sequence, you can leave ur hp number and i'll fill you in. :)

Then there was this little boy, about 6 yrs old, running along side with me. No, he wasnt panting like i did. Yes was I stunned, and shamed. Freaking kid prolly loaded with a ton of steroid or something.

Then there was this girl looking pretty in makeup and pink spaggetti strapped top. Sometimes we gotta admit that such people are excellent motivational factors. When ya behind, you will want to catch up to see how she looks, when you have caught up, you will pretend to wipe those perspiration on your forehead and look at her from under your arm pit. When contented, you will "gek" the "say" and act cool and oblivious to her presence, but secretly hoping that she will give you those lingering gaze as you jog way ahead, apparently effortlessly.

Then there was those familiar faces, lta tilak and mwo raymond. i wanted to say hi, but restraint as they were engaged in those armyish talks with other enciks.

Then there was those ocs cadets. I must admit, they are a loud bunch. Very attention grabbing. Was wondering, why must you guys be so loud and obnoxious and attention seeking? The tone, the communication style, the confidence and perhaps arrogance, exploded out with every bodily gesture and spoken word. Was pondering for quite a while, then i realised, it was because of their charisma, confidence, good people skills, etc etc that got them into ocs. these people are those who desire to be leaders of men and have shown those traits. Yes, they were loud, because they are not ashame and take pride in what they do. When a platoon of cadets caught up with me, their cheers and echoes stirred me and got me running alongside with these. Oh yes, my former days. I'm proud of them, coz that's where I came from. OCS.

Then there was the screaming cheerleaders. If i were still in sec sch or poly i would think they are the hottest gals ard, but sadly age has caught up and my taste changed. Sorry, i dont go for xiao mei meis. But they sure did perk up the jog for those compelled joggers.

Then there were 2 bands along the way. One of them has a female bassist. Coolness.

Then i crossed the finishing line. In 1hr 20min. Well done bob. You have got yourself a pair of aching legs. Ouch. :P

Stand Chart here i come!

running away

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Foolish games

Like a fool, like a fool
I chased the wind like a fool
I held it in my hands; kissed it's forehead too
even though it was slipping through

like a fool, like a fool
I fought the shadows like a fool
I punched it in the plasters; in the concrete too
every single blow hurts like two

like a fool, like a fool
I watched the time passed, like a fool
it was ever so nonchalant, and haughty too
for i'm not worthy of sight, just like a tool

like a fool, like a fool
will anyone love someone like a fool
I am not a stone, nor a monkey in the zoo
But a man, that's madly after you

Like a fool, like a fool
I'm a fool for you
I hope that somehow it's true
that you're a fool for me too
