Saturday, November 25, 2006

It is official, finally i've a legitimate reason to blog :)
I used to wonder.. am I wasting my time? By investing in where others don't encourage, or even bother. But after some sharing with my lecturer and peers, i was immensely enlightened by the art of blogging. Yes! An art form no less, and it is incredibily beneficial to the establishment of my career prospects ahead.

Bob, the copywriter.

Of course, blogging alone can only suffice to a certain extend. That's where advertising studies come into the picture to bridge the gap, connecting Bob to , the Copywriter.

That'a just 1 part of my dreams and planning for destination, destiny. Many are in the pipeline, but I just pick one out for elaboration. Of course, dreams are only dreams when untouched, worse off when incompleted. So, press on and perservere my dear bob~!

Ok, so that was my introduction. Time to move on to the main course.

Bob was out partying at Double O. Yes I know, Bob was out chionging away. Some clarifications here. It was a class outing to celebrate Gwen's, one of my classmate's birthday. I have kinda come to terms with partying at such places. I don't really think it's wrong to party, to let your hair down and groove to the music. ( i didnt really managed to groove, more of a twirling and a series of a side-stepping and unnatural jerks.) Just dont drink till u fall into a drunken stupor and behave in a boorish manner. You are your own big boy now, make your own decision, with wisdom no less. Other than that, enjoy.

In the midst of my groove attempts, i caught sight some familiar church faces in an environment I can't seem to associate together. Stunned expressions exchanged, followed by a hearty contact. It's obvious these guys are here to party, but apparently after a brief encounter in the loo later on, I learnt that their activity here is unknown to the church fraternity.

From those few minutes of sharing, I learnt a lot. The facade they wear in the church is only the surface, but apparently they felt that, who they actually are, is not "allowed". (Quotations intended to present their interpretation of their leader's word, and also the translation of the actual mandarin word used, "bu rang") Liken to an errant kid sneaking out while the parents snoozed.

As I've mentioned earlier, you are responsible for yourself. Know where you stand and explain to your leader. Let him/her know the intent. I mean, you are not there to drug and rape someone right? So let out, and I believe some form of mutual understanding can be reached. On top of that, I strongly reckon that little compromise is needed in this win-win situation.

Another issue I would like to raise is on reaching out. I'm an advocate for Christ, but I don't force it upon people. I mean, evangelists don't exist to hit figures but to impact lives. As for those who are impacted, dont come to church to be bitter and then backslide. What good is it then to add another anti-church on the streets? The church may let you down, but hey, where's the focus's supposed to be? Not on some random folks assigned to guide you, rather on the One that saved you~!

Alas, so many come and go. I have just learnt that my first leader have backslided. It is definitely stumbling to realise, especially when she was one of those founding pillars that contributed to the establishment of this community. What drove you on, good leader? What is it then, that drove you out?

So when people who have backslided told me they do so to take a break, it's like Huh?! I thought He has taken our yoke to give us rest?! Something's wrong here... Ministry folks, please, FOCUS. You serve because of His Love, not because of that cute girl that carries the offering buckets next to you.

Alrite, enuff ranting. Gotta move on to develop the other aspect of my career development. Graphic designing~

With these words i'll end...

What drives you on, should drive you up.

But, NOT the wall.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Blog therapy in process.

Tired and worn. But what can I say?

Been rushing my project till 4.30am this morning, followed by a rather intensive and extensive discussion with my lecturer with regards to the future of us designers. After that, i returned home for dinner and just when i thought i could get my well deserved rest, i was mistaken.

Someone called,
put me thru some rather distressing moments,
rendered me disturbed
and left sleepless.

Hmm.. Shit happens.

My heart hurts. Literally. Perhaps all that mental affliction generated a tangible level of electronic pulse to jolt my cardiac organ to reality.

Where art my fairytale world? Perhaps little red riding hood killed her granny, alice has some serious bout of hallucinations, and the three little pigs were experimenting with some unconventional system of air-conditioning? Alas, every dreamer has to be waken, else be issued a death certification.


Hey! don't close the lid, i'm still blogging!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

my travel log

I saw a patriot's pride
I saw a destitude's hand
I saw an open wound
with none to tend.

I saw a hardened heart
I saw a childhood lost
I saw smiling faces
behind those closed doors

I saw an orange aftertaste
I saw the women faces
I saw the daily papers
printed on even pages

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My long awaited holiday beckons!

Okay... maybe I did not spend tat much time anticipating it. But in any case, it's a break and escape from this urbanised fishing village! looking forward to the life the vietnamese led, the nature that surrounds their habitat and the little beautifuls that decorate their lives.

Don't miss me too much people.
Too broad an audience. Bet many of you will never know i ever step foot outta this shores.

Don't miss me too much Zarah.
Hmm... again.
That's a kinda Duh statement. She almost had those chains and strap-jackets upon me.

Alritey. Everyone, miss me then. :)

i tink i've been stuffing myself way too much these past few daes. Been getting weird indigestive feeling in my tummy of late. As if i'm going for some survival training tmr. It's holidays my dear Bob!

okay. enuff of self entertainment. i forgot my intended agenda why i wanna blog todae. Sheeeetty... okay. 4 plus don't look too awesome to hit the sack, but better late then never~

Oh, btw, Lisa Ono is amazing! Do listen to her songs! just got mine frm gramaphone in parkway. Yummie! it almost soothed me to sleep while driving. Hah!

Feeling really...