Thursday, July 14, 2005

The significant other..

Many seek for one. When found, their passion for each other thrive on the initial novelty of this newfound relationship. Through the passage of time, flames fan out, desires die down. Then flaws becomes more obvious, minor disputes sneak in.. slowly but surely, they morph into something hideous.. something of enormous proportion.. smashing everything in sight, including their relationship. Relationship then takes a break, a vacation, and finally a migration and never to return.

I am seeing relationships falling aparts like some cherry blossom season, petals coming apart everywhere. It is disheartening, definitely. But then again, why did it come to such a state? I can only conclude that either of the party didnt want to go thru that extra mile they once vowed to give endlessly.

But definitely something good has to come out of it.. If not at least a lesson learnt. Well, definitely the greatest takeaway for me is the knowledge of my dearest's love for me. It's so great, so compromising, even when it's so hard to give, she gave.

Definitely there'll be times when flavours stale, but i'll make an effort to relive everyday like we
just got attached. Those precious moments breathe new life into the relationship n strengthens the existing bond.

So I hoped I've packed a takeaway for all you readers(if any) to ponder upon.

What is a man without his other half? A half man?? Nope, just an incomplete man..
Cherish your significant other.

House moving tips:

Never leave home without your cuddles.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Dear Mr Blog,

how have you been?

It's been a while since i last dropped by, leaving any word for keepsake.

Well, i sure do have an amazing week since i enlisted.. gained some kinda experience, but not the kind the army is promoting.

It was in the news, the lost of a serviceman..

Well so here's the breakdown of lost:

1. lost of ink to newspapers
2. lost of screen time to television stations
3. lost of sleep/weekend for duty personnels
4. lost of a friend to a commando
5. lost of a bunk mate to three
6. lost of a son to two
7. lost of a brother to one

Yes, to many, he is just a statistic, a figure in the news, yet many never fathom what this meant to a selected few.. Those who are committed to spend their whole lifetime together with him. The stammering words, the struggle to fight the tears, the pride of being the man for many.. the brother cant break down, less the rest will.

I too fought the tears that came. I thought to myself, who am I to him? Am i not a distant superior that send down indirect arrows upon him, like many others? Am I not a peer waiting to serve finish my due and then resume my civilian life? Am I not one of them that saw the chopper coming down to bring him to where he'll be pronounced dead?

Then it dawned upon me, I'm human too.

Who can afford to stand in the viewing gallery of the crematorium and yet not feel a twitch on his heartstring when the dearests sobbed uncontrollably as the serviceman was rolled towards the furnace?

Oh well... maybe it's the memories tagged along with this oh so familiar scene. maybe it's because I too shared a eulogy on my late bro... maybe i understand his lost.. the desire to end the boyish fights, and to finally shared our long overdue brotherly love for each other... when age finally catch up, and the coming of senses... when i wanna fight for my bro as he fought for me when i was yet weak... i would give everything for his ressurrection...

Life and it's delicate balance. You'll never know how fragile it is till something's broken...

Please cherish life, it's a gift, a privilege, not an entitlement.

For a friend, this once.
And so the firers aimed skywards
a final shot, another and another
please hear their efforts in heaven

for a friend, this once
A commando hides not his grief
tears, not blood was shed
for someone who deserves this and more

for a friend, this once
platoonmates rallied in arms
a most unnatural reunion
a cause never to be repeated

for a friend, this once
they casavaced him one last time
every step they struggled
never they want to send their friend away in a coffin

for a friend, this once
and only once they plea
